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We built Options AI because we believe that everyday traders should have the same straightforward access to advanced options strategies as the largest institutional investors. As a team with over 20 years of options trading experience, we’re on a mission to make smarter options trades more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. That’s why you don’t just get powerfully simple tech, you get our team of options experts to help teach you the tricks of the trades.
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© 2024 Options AI, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Patent Pending USSN 62/888,672
Certain features of the Options AI website (“Website”) and the service (“Service”) include charts and interactive tools designed to generate and display amongst other things: (a) past performance data; (b) future price and outcome expectations derived from options market data; and, (c) potential stock and options trading strategies based upon your personal inputs. These features and all of their content are meant for informational and reference purposes only and are not intended to serve as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or to utilize any particular trading strategy. They are also not research reports, do not reflect the opinions or expectations of Option AI and should not be considered as a basis for judging future trends or as an indication of future results. Any data or information regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes is hypothetical in nature, is not guaranteed for accuracy or completeness, does not reflect actual investment results and is not a guarantee of future results.
The Website may include certain features provided solely to demonstrate tools and other Content that are part of the Service available only to Customers of Options AI. Demo features are intended for informational purposes only and should not be used as the basis for making investment decisions or for any other purpose. Demo features use delayed or static data and Options AI makes no warranty whatsoever as to their accuracy or usefulness.
You alone are responsible for evaluating the merits and risks associated with use of the Website and the Service and for determining whether its features and tools are suitable for you. You are also solely responsible for your personal inputs, for evaluating all information and for any investment decision you make, whether or not such decision derives from your use of the Service. Please review our full Terms & Conditions.
All investments involve risk and all investors should consider their investment objectives and risks carefully before investing. The price of a given security may increase or decrease based on market conditions and customers may lose money, including their original investment. Any investment or trade made using the Options AI Service is at your sole discretion and risk.
Online trading involves risks due to loss of online services, system response time, execution price, trading volumes, market conditions, erroneous or unavailable market data and other factors.
Options transactions may involve a high degree of risk and may expose investors to potentially significant losses and therefore are not suitable for all investors. Prior to deciding to invest in options please review the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options.